GPS Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) Instructions:

  1. Fill out the form above as best as you can (Name, Address 1, City, State, Zipcode, Country)
  2. Click this link to search for your address on Google Maps. Google Maps will be opened in a new browser tab
  3. Collect GPS Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude):
    1. Right click the address's Google Maps Marker
    2. Click "What's here?"
    3. A card will appear below
    4. Copy the latitude/longitude (ie "41.996617, -87.884485") from the card
      • NOTE: This text is contained within a LINK, so you will need to drag your mouse from OUTSIDE the link in order to select the text.
    5. Paste the latitude/longitude in each corresponding field below
    6. Preview the resulting map marker location and confirm it is correct