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Audition for Beauty & The Beast Jr.

May 13
Friday, May 13, 2022
8:00AM  -  5:00PM

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast JR. is a fantastic adaptation of the story of transformation and tolerance. The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end and he will be transformed to his former self. But time is running out. If the Beast does not learn his lesson soon, he and his household will be doomed for all eternity.

Everyone registered will have a part in the play. Auditions and callbacks are for casting purposes only.
Auditions and rehearsals will be held at Fountain View Recreation Center.
Auditions: May 13-14
Callbacks: May 14-15
Practices will be on Mondays and Wednesdays after 4pm beginning in June, 2 hours each practice.
Performances will be late July/early August.
Practice and performance schedules will be distributed after auditions.
Payment plan available.
Fee includes t-shirt.

Event Details

  • Friday, May 13, 2022
    8:00AM  -  5:00PM
  • Heading