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WINTER BREAK! Holiday Hoopla Gymnastics Camp

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Spend Winter break with twists and flips! Children participate in gymnastics activities and games plus make a craft to take home. Gymnasts will be split according to age groups and skill levels. Ages 6-14

Teenie Weenie New Year’s Eve Ball

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Kick off the New Year Teenie Weenie style! Kids 8 and under get an early start on the festivities as we countdown to Noon! Activities include a DJ and dancing, a bounce house, games, crafts and a balloon drop. Light refreshments are served. Fee is per child, adults are free but required to stay at […]

Hiring Event! Jan 5 at Fountain View Recreation Center


See All Job Opportunities IMPORTANT HIRING EVENT! This is the time of year we hire staff for summer camp, concessions, water park, mini golf, sports attendants and more. If your college student is home from school and needs a summer job, or your high school student is looking for a first job, this event is […]

Lancaster Overnight Trip Deadline 1/15

Join us on our five-night trip to Lancaster and Dutch Country! Enjoy a spectacular performance of MOSES at the Sights and Sounds Theatre in Lancaster, PA. Experience life on the Amish Country Homestead at the Amish Experience Attraction, committed to accurately and sensitively portray the Old Order Amish as they live and work in today’s […]

Priority Registration for Summer Camp begins!

Theme days, special events, field trips and swimming at Coral Cove Water Park keep your child excited about the camp experience all summer long. Kids enjoy an extreme BMX bike show, compete with teams in Funwizz challenges, and pet a python in our expert-led special events. Campers enjoy outings to local parks, Coyote Crossing Mini […]

Days Off Club – Jan 16

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Grades: K-6th (open to students of all school districts). Participants enjoy field trips, special events and theme days with crafts, games and sports. Before and After care also offered if enrollment requirements are met. Register 72 hours in advance to receive the best rates. January 16 -  Field Trip to Kids Empire

Pre-K Instructional Soccer League EARLY BIRD Deadline Feb 13

Participants are introduced to the fundamentals of the sport while learning how to play the game. Registration includes tee shirt and participation trophy. Please use the registration code for the grade your child is currently in. Volunteer coaches needed. Save $20 if you register your child for pre-K instructional soccer league by Feb 13. Sign […]

Daughters Dance! Feb 17 or 18

It’s a “whole new world”! Carol Stream Park District proudly welcomes back this enchanting event for daughters and their special dates. Fee includes a delicious dinner, DJ, dancing and entertainment. Girls, this is the night you’ve been wishing for. Take a magic carpet ride to a mystical place and enjoy an evening you won’t soon forget! Select […]

Days Off Club – Feb 20

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Grades: K-6th (open to students of all school districts). Participants enjoy field trips, special events and theme days with crafts, games and sports. Before and After care also offered if enrollment requirements are met. Register 72 hours in advance to receive the best rates. February 20 -  Field Trip to The Zone

Hiring Event! Feb 23 at Fountain View Recreation Center


See All Job Opportunities IMPORTANT HIRING EVENT! This is the time of year we hire staff for summer camp, concessions, water park, mini golf, sports attendants and more. If your college student is home from school and needs a summer job, or your high school student is looking for a first job, this event is […]