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Armstrong Park Pickleball Courts Grand Opening

Armstrong Park 391 Illini Dr, Carol Stream, IL, United States

June 5 – 6-8pm Armstrong Park – 391 Illini Drive – Park in South Lot Ribbon Cutting – 6pm Free Demos – Learn to Play (No Equipment Necessary or Bring Your Own) Free Tournament Free Concessions Item Raffle Prize Giveaway for First 100 Attendees

Father’s Day Fishing Derby

Start Father's Day off by bringing Dad to theannual Fishing Derby at Bierman Park. Enjoy alight breakfast by the pond and try to catch the'big one'. Each participant receives a goodiebag and prizes are awarded to participants ineach of the age categories, including Dads.Dads (Free) Bierman Park, 1253 Woodlake Drive, Carol StreamRegister Now: $16R/$24NR Registration […]

Annual Duck Race! Hosted by the Carol Stream Parks Foundation

Coral Cove Water Park 849 W Lies Road, Carol Stream, IL, United States

The Carol Stream Parks Foundation is holding the Annual Duck Race on Saturday, June 22 at 4 pm at Coral Cove Water Park. "Adopt" a duck for your chance to win $500 cash, $250 cash or other great prizes including rounds of golf and gift certificates to area businesses! Adopt a Lucky Duck - $5 […]

Some Regular Event

This is some text for you to read and think about. This is some text for you to read and think about. This is some text for you to read and think about.

Aqua Zumba at Coral Cove Water Park

Join us at Coral Cove Water Park at 11am for Aqua Zumba! Every Monday from June 24 to July 22. * Access to Aqua Zumba included with Coral Cove Water Park membership or day passes.

Join us at the Grand Re-Opening of Walter Park

Walter Park 970 High Ridge Pass, Carol Stream

CAROL STREAM: The Carol Stream Park District Board and Staff are pleased to announce the Grand Re-Opening of Walter Park, located at 970 High Ridge Pass, Carol Stream. A celebratory ribbon-cutting is scheduled for Monday, June 24, at 6pm. All residents are invited to join the Park District Board of Commissioners, visiting legislators, community partners […]

Another Featured Event

This is some text for you to read and think about. This is some text for you to read and think about. This is some text for you to read and think about.

One More Regular Event

This is some text for you to read and think about. This is some text for you to read and think about. This is some text for you to read and think about.