
The intent of “Love with Courage” is to catalyze connections and community among people of compassion, especially multi-faith (and no-faith) spiritual progressives, so that our varied efforts more effectively care for the vulnerable, to inspire all to lead vital and meaningful lives, and to address the gap between the world as it is and the world as it might be. In a word, the mission is to heal disconnection, overcome isolation by practicing love with courage, and inspiring people with transformed hearts to stand together around common values.

Our world suffers from disconnection on multiple levels. Too many people are isolated, not only from others but from our deeper selves. Too many communities and organizations don’t utilize or benefit from the gifts of their people. Too many people want to be of service to something larger than ourselves but don’t know how or where to do so. The antidote to this disconnection is to cultivate relationships where we can listen to our deepest selves, open to life’s gifts, and serve needs greater than our own.

Rev. Alan Taylor provides Spiritual Direction and Discernment to help individuals and organizations live out their deeper purpose. To request a conversation with Rev. Alan, email